Chronology of ancient Greek mathematicians

c. 624 BC - c.546 BC - Thales
585 BC - 525 BC - Anaximenes of Miletus
c. 582 BC507 BC - Pythagoras
c. 490 BC - c. 420 BC - Oenopides of Chios
480 BC - 411 BC - Antiphon the Sophist
465 BC - 398 BC - Theodorus of Cyrene
c. 450 BC - c. 370 BC - Democritus
c. 417 BC369 BC - Theaetetus (mathematician)
410 BC/408 BC - 355 BC/347 BC - Eudoxus of Cnidus
400 BC - 350 BC - Thymaridas
c. 390 BC- c. 320 BC - Dinostratus
384 BC322 BC - Aristotle
380 BC 320 BC - Menaechmus
370 BC - 300 BC - Aristaeus the Elder
c. 370 BC – c. 300 BC - Callippus
c. 360 BC - c. 290 BC - Autolycus of Pitane
340 BC278 BC - Polyaenus of Lampsacus
c. 323 BC- c. 283 BC - Euclid
c. 287 BC212 BC - Archimedes
c. 280 BC - c. 220 BC - Conon of Samos
276 BC - 194 BC - Eratosthenes
c. 262 BC – c. 190 BC - Apollonius of Perga
c. 190 BC – c. 120 BC - Hipparchus
c. 160 BC – c. 100 BC - Theodosius of Bithynia
c. 150 BC - ? - Perseus (geometer)
1st century BC - Geminus
c. 60 - 120 - Nicomachus
c. 70 – c. 135 - Theon of Smyrna
c. 70 - c. 140 - Menelaus of Alexandria
c. 200/214 – c. 284/298 - Diophantus
c. 290 - c. 350 - Pappus of Alexandria
c. 335 - c. 405 - Theon of Alexandria
c. 370 - 415 - Hypatia of Alexandria
c. 412 - 485 - Proclus
c. 420 - 480 - Domninus of Larissa
c. 480 - 540 - Eutocius